Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reading the Bible is hard!

Reading the Bible can be frustrating.  I have certainly felt this way at times in my life.  Some parts are just hard to understand.  Some parts can seem to have no meaning or relevance to my life (How's a genealogy supposed to strengthen my faith?).  Some parts (honestly) can just seem really boring (Again, genealogies?).  Combine all of this with our western mindset of quick-fixes, 3-step programs, and instant gratification, sitting down to read the Bible can be one of the most frustrating things. 

From talking to other people, I know that I am not the only one to feel like this.  So I thought I'd write a series of blogs on things I've learned that have helped my reading of the Bible.  Here's number 1:

1.  Even when it's frustrating, keep reading.  I know that this may be a discouraging first tip, but it's important.  I had a 3-4 year period of my life when reading the Bible was the most frustrating thing I could do.  For several reasons that I won't go into here, I was unable to really receive and believe anything I read.  It was like I would read the words, but they didn't settle anywhere in my brain.  They were empty.  And because they were empty, it left me frustrated because I knew deep down that they were important words and I desperately needed them to teach and speak to me.  But my pride kept me from receiving anything from them.  Or so I thought.  Looking back on that time, I am so thankful that I didn't give up on reading the Bible.  God was teaching me and speaking to me even though I wasn't aware of it at the time.  Though the words seemed empty and lifeless then, they still settled somewhere in my mind and had an effect on me.  Even the sort of growth that is merely head knowledge of what the Bible says has some benefits.  I am thankful that God continued to teach me through His word even when I thought nothing was happening and it seemed pointless.  Keep reading!

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